Forum: Z Brush

Subject: Help!

colvin opened this issue on Jul 15, 2013 ยท 4 posts

colvin posted Mon, 15 July 2013 at 11:52 AM

Does anyone live in or near Denver Colorado? I am looking for help in learning ZBrush. I am horrible at the tutorials that are out there. I need someone to help guide me in the right direction. I have so many questions that the tutorials cannot answer. I currently use Vue 11 and Poser 9 and feel so limited in creating characters and structures. I have seen incredible images from ZBrush artist and want to explore the software so badly. I have ZBrush 2 and Sculptris on my computer but I am lost, so hopelessly lost.

Dylan.S posted Thu, 25 July 2013 at 5:36 AM

First I would suggest upgrading to ZBrush 4r6, as the upgrades are free. Then maybe post specific questions and you should get the help you need.

Gestah posted Sat, 24 August 2013 at 9:20 PM

hi, can anyone help? can't find anything on the internet so.

I'm trying to make a pair of shoes but , when I try to use uv master on a specific part of the mesh it gives me weird results. when I flatten it the thing gets HUGE in size. see the figure, the tiny white dot is actually the grid. it only happends with that specific part and in every backup. tried to rebuild to a lower mesh but it says it has triangles so it doesn't work.

please give me a hand with this one

Dylan.S posted Sun, 25 August 2013 at 6:17 AM

Can you give more info? Like is the part you want to UV its own subtool, or are you trying to pick a small part of a subtool and UV that alone (which I'm not sure can be done through UV Master)?