Forum: Poser 13

Subject: Poser 13 settings?

randym77 opened this issue on Jun 12, 2024 ยท 13 posts

randym77 posted Wed, 12 June 2024 at 12:16 AM

My old computer died, and I got a new one. Probably spent more than I should, but I tend to use my computers for a long time.

Years ago, when my old computer and Poser 11 were new, someone explained what settings I should use. I recall it made  big difference. So...what settings should I use?

In particular, how many threads? It's supposedly a i9-14900K processor with 24 cores, 32 threads, 3.2GHz to 5.6GHz. Last time, someone told me it's not a good idea to let Poser use all the threads available.

Graphics card is a GeForce RTX 4090 with 24GB. Render settings give me a choice of Nvidia GeForce, OptiXNividia GeForce, and the CPU. Which one should I pick?