Fri, Feb 21, 4:05 AM CST

Liberty by Night, in Paris...

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 24, 2022
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-o§o-________ Hello again,... long time no see ! ;-) Here is one of the official replicas of the Statue of Liberty that are visible in Paris, a replica which is the exact quarter of the Statue of Liberty offered then to the USA by my country, but here, this smaller statue was donated by the USA to France, and erected on the 'Ile-aux-Cygnes' ( Swan Island) on the river Seine in 1889, in the West of Paris, four years after the one on Liberty Island, in Manhattan.
________-o§o- Auguste Bartholdi, the French designer of both statues, wished his replica would face the USA, westwards; sadly enough, his wish was never heard while he was alive. The replica was turned westwards,(facing the USA) only 48 years later, on the second 'Exposition Universelle' in Paris. I took this by night of course, but you can see in my gallery another view of the Parisian Lady Liberty, this time in full sunlight!
________-o§o- Thank you so much for your comments on my latest Bryce modelling exercise in the shape of a perfume bottle, have a nice week, and enjoy the current sunrays of a hot and rather scorching Summer season over here in western Europe, most of France is currently running out of aquifer water, the situation is getting critical in some places, sadly enough...Please zoom in for more details!


Comments (35)



12:46PM | Sun, 24 July 2022

Its always a pleasure to have you back on this site for a visit! Your new photograph of the statue of liberty at night looks beautiful and its a great reminder of the French artistry that gifted the original to the USA. I am grateful to your visits in my gallery and I always look forward to the wonderful art work and photographs you share on this site. Take care and be well my friend! :-)



8:49PM | Sun, 24 July 2022

Very nice photo and some interesting information about it.



8:54PM | Sun, 24 July 2022

It is a great gift we are proud off.



10:19PM | Sun, 24 July 2022

An excellent night time photo. Thank you for the interesting info about Ms. Liberty.



11:04PM | Sun, 24 July 2022

It would be cool to see it in person. Beautiful capture.



1:31AM | Mon, 25 July 2022

This is a beautiful shot!



8:10AM | Mon, 25 July 2022

Ah ! c'est par là-bas les états-unis ? Je plaisante bêtement alors que je ferais mieux de dire out le bien que je pense de cette superbe photo ! Quant à la chaleur et au manque d'eau, nous commençons à souffrir sérieusement. Encore 38 cet am (à 567 m) mais le ciel s'assombrit...avec un peu de chance...



8:50AM | Mon, 25 July 2022

Magnifique photo de nuit



10:22AM | Mon, 25 July 2022

La lumière sur la statue est très belle, magnifique photo de nuit en ville, Jean-Luc !



11:15AM | Mon, 25 July 2022

Magnifique luminosité et atmosphère nocturne qui met si bien en valeur la statue de Lady Liberty... c’est superbement photographié !!


virginiese Online Now!

1:30PM | Mon, 25 July 2022

Bonsoir Karma ! Je suis tellement heureuse de voir une de tes nouvelles images dans ta galerie. Celle-ci a un design particulièrement soigné avec ce jeu de lignes formé par les gratte-ciel à l'arrière-plan. La lumière est exceptionnelle elle aussi. Merci aussi pour la petite information sur cette statue. Comme d'habitude, tu as fait une image de très grande qualité et exigeante. Bravo et merci pour ça!



3:54PM | Mon, 25 July 2022

I had heard of this, but it is great to see a photo of the Statue of Liberty in Paris! Thank you for sharing!

That is really frightening news about the water situation in France!


Ken _Gilliland

4:38PM | Mon, 25 July 2022

great image



9:35AM | Tue, 26 July 2022

Some rivetting facts which really interested me. Nice capture!



6:43AM | Wed, 27 July 2022

Great shot



12:15PM | Wed, 27 July 2022

This really has to be seen in zoom, and I admire your photo very much. The mood is very fine, as all the lines, light and dark contrast is great too. The textures on the left building looks like something out of an electric stuff. ;-) Thank you too for the interesting information, and 'yes' here in the south of The Netherlands it was never such dry as this year, I hope the problems in France will improve.



3:45AM | Thu, 28 July 2022

great shot!



12:16PM | Fri, 29 July 2022

Very nice and interesting capture !!



7:08PM | Fri, 29 July 2022

An awesome photo!



1:19PM | Sat, 30 July 2022




2:32PM | Sat, 30 July 2022

So nice to see you back in the gallery. This is a wonderful nighttime capture. I haven't been to Paris in many years--looks like there have been a few changes :)



11:57PM | Sat, 30 July 2022

wonderful capture. I wanted to visit the statue but it was closed for 150 years celebration. I did fly around it in a helicopter


UteBigSmile Online Now!

3:53PM | Sun, 31 July 2022

Cette nouvelle photo est très belle ! Je te souhaite un bon fin de dimanche et une excellente nouvelle Semaine !



11:08AM | Mon, 01 August 2022

C'est absolument magnifique, quelle grande photo, bravo, Jean-Luc!



7:59PM | Mon, 01 August 2022

Beautiful work! Most impressive!!!



3:28AM | Tue, 02 August 2022

Looks really cool!


UteBigSmile Online Now!

3:13PM | Sun, 14 August 2022

C'est une très belle photo! J'espère que tu as passé un bon dimanche en toute sécurité et je te souhaite un bon départ dans cette nouvelle semaine ! 🖐😀



10:05AM | Tue, 23 August 2022

Superb shot and excellent composition with the buildings!



2:02PM | Wed, 07 September 2022

Wonderful capture, fun to see this, and good to see you!


10:48PM | Fri, 07 October 2022

Beautiful photo! Thank you for the information. I will pray for rain in France.

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.6
ModelNIKON D80
Shutter Speed10/300
ISO Speed1600
Focal Length62

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