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System Requirements:
PC, Poser 9/10/2012 Pro/2014 Pro.It may also support previous version of Poser 6/7/9/2010 Pro.
These models were made by LightWave 3D and textured in Photoshop.
Usage Tips:
1.Launch Poser,in "PropsJ3DCapsule Toy" menu,Press "Capsule Toy Machine" image to load it into Poser's work area.
2.Press "Switch" props,it will parent to Capsule Toy Machine automatically.
3.Be careful,when load multiple machine and switch props into poser,you will need to change the other switch props to other machine manually.
4.You can change the machine,ball,and robot's color in "MaterialsJ3DCapsule Toy" menu as you like.
5.You many reduce the machine's size if you think the machine is larger. the suggest size for me is 80%.