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Victoria 4 Morphs ++ (optional), Aiko 4 (optional), Stephanie 4 (optional), Elite (optional), The Girl 4 (optional)
The Waterfall Dress is a glamorous and versatile set consisting of five pieces. You get a sleek fitting sleeveless dress with modeled fabric folds, a set of formfitting bracers, a matching collar, high heeled shoes and a pair of earrings.
Earrings and dress come with a number of ghostbones, which are controlled by dials in the BODY of each conforming figure.
The dress also loads with a number of draping shapes for its skirt, matching most of Victoria 4's base poses. They can be combined with the ghostbones and several style and adjustments morphs of the dress.
Please consult the readme of this set before use for further details and instructions!
Included morphs and control dials:
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Grace
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMBellySmooth
* PBMBellyThickness
* PBMBellyThin
* PBMBreastsCleavage
* PBMBreastsDiameter
* PBMBreastsFlatten
* PBMBreastsImplant
* PBMBreastsLarge
* PBMBreastsSize
* PBMBreastsPerk
* PBMArmSize
* PBMShouldersThickness
* PBMInhale
* PBMTummyOut
* PBMWaistWidth
* PBMHipsSize
* PBMNeckThickness
* PBMTrapsSize
* PBMTorsoThickness
* PBMStomachDepth
* PBMGlutesSize
* PBMGluteRaiseL
* PBMGluteRaiseR
* PBMThighsThickness
* PBMThighsTone
* Expand upper skirt
* Expand mid skirt
* Expand lower skirt
* Armpit
* Breast Bottom
* Breast Inside
* Breast Outside
* Breast Top
* Buttocks
* Buttocks Down
* Buttocks Top
* Collar Bone
* Hip Joint Front
* Hip Side
* Lower Back
* Lower Back Down
* Lower Stomach Down
* Mid Back Down
* Neck Down
* Outer Chest
* Ribs
* Shoulder Front
* Shoulder Top
* Trapezius
* Upper Chest
* Upper Leg Outside
* Upper Side
* Drape default
* Adjust Drape
* Drape Arms Raised 01
* Drape Contraposto 01
* Drape Contraposto 02
* Drape Covering 01
* Drape Fashion 01
* Drape Fashion 02
* Drape Fashion 03
* Drape Kneeling 01
* Drape Leaning 01
* Drape Looking 01
* Drape Pensive 01
* Drape Pensive 02
* Drape Seated 01
* Drape Walking 01
* Skirt bottom flare
* Skirt long
* Skirt short
* Skirt train long
* CTRLSkirtTwist
* CTRLSkirtSideSide
* CTRLSkirtBend
* CTRLLSide1Twist
* CTRLLSide1SideSide
* CTRLLSide1Bend
* CTRLLSide2Twist
* CTRLLSide2SideSide
* CTRLLSide2Bend
* CTRLRSide1Twist
* CTRLRSide1SideSide
* CTRLRSide1Bend
* CTRLRSide2Twist
* CTRLRSide2SideSide
* CTRLRSide2Bend
* CTRLRSide1Twist
* CTRLFront1SideSide
* CTRLFront1Bend
* CTRLFront2Twist
* CTRLFront2SideSide
* CTRLFront2Bend
* CTRLBack1SideSide
* CTRLBack1Bend
* CTRLBack2Twist
* CTRLBack2SideSide
* CTRLBack2Bend
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Grace
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMNeckThickness
* PBMTrapsSize
* Neck
* Neck Down
* Outer Chest
* Trapezius
* Adjust Collar back
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Grace
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMNeckThickness
* PBMTrapsSize
* Forearm
* Upper Arm
* Wrist Back
* Wrist Bottpom
* Wrist Front
* Wrist Top
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Grace
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* Ankle
* Foot
* Toes
* Fit Aiko 4
* Fit Girl 4
* L Earring side in
* L Earring side out
* L Earring tilt back
* L Earring tilt front
* L Earring twist in
* L Earring twist out
* R Earring side in
* R Earring side out
* R Earring tilt back
* R Earring tilt front
* R Earring twist in
* R Earring twist out
* CTRLLEarringTwist
* CTRLLEarringSideSide
* CTRLLEarringFrontBack
* CTRLREarringTwist
* CTRLREarringSideSide
* CTRLREarringFrontBack