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Daz Studio 4.9 ONLY
Victoria 8 Genesis 8 Female Head and Body Morphs
Natasha is a beautiful new character for Victoria 8.
All promotional images of Natasha have been rendered using the Sun-Sky Only Enviroment mode.
Product includes:
Character Preset
- FR Natasha for Victoria 8 (.DUF)
Shaping Presets
- Full Apply/Remove
- Body Apply/Remove
- Face Apply/Remove
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets
- Natasha Full MAT Apply
- 6 Eye Colors
- 7 Makeups + Natural Face
- 7 Lip Colors + Natural Lips
- 55 Texture, Bump, Specular, Sub-Surface Scatter, Transparency and Normal Maps 2048 x 2048 up to 4096 x 4096
For a more detailed list of files included and required see the product Readme.
Information about items used in the images can be found in the edotorial tab.